Stretcher Bearer.
WW II white metal and enamel lapel badge with buttonhole fitting and makers details for " H W M " to the reverse. The letters, " S-B " surmounted by the red enamel inset crown above the red enamelled scroll, " Emergency Hospital Scheme ". Worn by Voluntary Stretcher Bearers who assisted ambulance crews unloading their vehicles and moving patients into and around hospitals. read more
35.00 GBP
Home Guard.
Scarce WW II gilt and enamel lapel badge with brooch pin fitting and makers details for Fattorini Birmingham to the reverse, worn by members the Women's Home Defence League. It was decided in 1941 to admit women into the Home Guard to be taught basic weapon training and various military skills. A shield outlined in yellow enamel bearing the " W H D " monogram and a pair of crossed rifles and a ... read more
Navy Army and Air Forces Institute.
WW II era king's crown blue on white embroidered headdress / overall badge. The " NAAFI " acronym surmounted by the crown above a pair of wings an anchor and wreath of laurel on a white diamond shaped backing. read more
35.00 GBP
Local Defence Volunteers.
WW II black on khaki shoulder strap slip-on, " L D V " with canvas loop to the reverse. Worn before the name changed to " Home Guard " read more
National Reserve-London.
Gilt and enamel lapel badge with buttonhole fitting makers details for Gaunt London individual issue number and " Kensington " to the reverse. The king's crown and roman numeral, " II " on a blue enamel ground within a white enamel oval bearing the title above a pair of crossed rifles with the number, " 16 " to the butt of one. read more
55.00 GBP
Home Guard- Durham.
Scarce WW II shoulder designation, " Home Guard / DHM / 101 ". Worn by { 101 County of Durham } Home Guard Anti-Aircraft Rocket Battery South Shields. Commanded by Maj. W.M Patterson MBE. read more
Metropolitan Police.
WW II king's crown chrome and enamel lapel badge with buttonhole fitting and makers details for Gaunt London to the reverse. The " M P " monogram backed with blue enamel to the centre of crowned circlets above the scroll, " War reserve " read more
25.00 GBP
Home Guard- West Riding of Yorkshire.
WW II printed and embroidered sleeve designation consisting of, " Home Guard / WR / 6 " above Corporals chevrons, above a red proficiency diamond. Worn by the 6th. { Harrogate } Battalion West Riding Home Guard. Commanded by Lt. Col. H.H Aykroyd. OBE MC TD. { Proficiency badge with moth nips } read more
Salvage Steward Badge.
Extremely scarce WW II enamel lapel badge with brooch pin fitting and makers details for Fattorini Birmingham to the reverse. A shield bearing the title " Salvage Steward 1942 " backed with white enamel within a blue enamel border carrying " C.B of N ". { County Borough of ??? } read more
National Fire Service.
WW II embroidered in red on black tunic / overall badge worn by firefighters from Allestree Derbyshire. the " NFS" monogram above the number " 7 " in red on a black circular backing. read more