Royal Air Force.
Fine quality pair of embroidered Far-East pattern pilot's qualification wings with press-stud fittings to the reverse. The " R.A.F. " crowned monogram within a brown laurel wreath flanked by oatmeal coloured wings. read more
85.00 GBP
Derbyshire Yeomanry.
King's crown brass cap badge with slider fitting to the reverse. The Derbyshire Rose to the centre of a crowned wreath of laurel carrying the South Africa honour above the tri-part title scroll with blank centre section. { Larger sized badge-approx 5 x 5.5 cms.} read more
45.00 GBP
Intelligence Corps. { India }
Pair of officers tropical pale khaki k.d. shoulder strap slip-ons bearing three rank "pips " and the black embroidered title, " I.C { I }" { slight staining to one } read more
Women's Forestry Service.
Extremely rare WW I khaki armband with button fittings and a light green / khaki interior. The armband bears a pair of crossed axes and a two-handled saw in off-white embroidery linked by a black " Measuring Tape " and would have been worn by a qualified " Tree-Feller / Measurer " The " W.F.S. " were originally part of the Women's Land Army but later became part of the Ministry of supply und... read more
Household Battalion.
Extremely rare king's crown officers gilt cap badge with two blades and makers details for Gaunt London to the reverse. The cypher of GvR to the centre of a crowned oval Garter Strap. read more
23rd. London Armoured Car Company.{ County of London Yeomanry }
Extremely rare king's crown officers silver and bronze cap badge with two blades { Folded into loops } to the reverse. The roman numerals " XXIII " backed by a pair of crossed rifles to the centre of a crowned circlet bearing the title, above the scroll, " Sharpshooters " read more
Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Fine quality officers bronze service dress cap badge with two blades and makers details for Gaunt London to the reverse. The chained antelope and coronet above the furled title scroll, " Royal Warwickshire " read more
2nd.Dragoon Guards. { Queen's Bays }
Queen's crown officers 1950's gold bullion wire embroidered cap badge. The title , " Bays " in Old English script to the centre of a crowned wreath of laurel on a shaped dark blue backing. read more
Westmorland & Cumberland Yeomanry.
Scarce brass shoulder title, " T / Y / W and C " { Unusual pattern in heavy thickly struck brass with well replaced loops ?} read more