Royal Naval Motor Boat Reserve.
Scarce enamel and brass king's crown lapel badge with replaced brooch pin fitting to the reverse. A fouled anchor to the centre of a laurel wreath surmounted by the red inset crown and blue enamel title scroll, " R.N.M.B.R. " read more
Royal Naval Reserve.
Scarce early embroidered red on dark blue " Signalman's " sleeve trade badge affixed above the " R.N.R. " title. [ Moth patches but scarce to find complete ] read more
45.00 GBP
Royal Marines.
King's crown brass other ranks helmet plate with two loops to the reverse worn by bandsmen of the Royal Marine Light Infantry Chatham Division. The globe to the centre of the motto circlet within a laurel wreath on a multi-rayed star. Above the centre is the crown and honour scroll, " Gibraltar " and below a fouled anchor with a white metal rose applied. read more
Royal Naval Air Service.
Scarce officers gilt sleeve badge with two screw bolts with original nuts to the reverse. The letter " A " flanked by a pair of wings. Worn by Royal Naval Reserve and Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve officers attached to the Royal Naval Air Service. [The letter " A" representing " AIR ".] read more
Royal Marine Light Infantry.
Brass cap badge with two loops the reverse. The Globe and Laurel surmounted by a strung bugle horn. read more
25.00 GBP
Royal Naval Division.
Scarce WW I hallmarked silver sweetheart brooch for " Howe " Battalion. A fouled anchor flanked by the titles, " Howe " and " R.N.D. " on a floriated background with brooch pin fitting makers details for " R.J.W." and Birmingham Hallmarks for 1916 to the reverse. read more
Merchant Navy.
Scarce WW II embroidered red on black sleeve badge, " DEMS ". Worn by personnel on " Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships ". read more
65.00 GBP
Royal Naval Air Service.
Scarce gold bullion wire embroidered sleeve eagle on a black back-ground. read more
Royal Naval Division.
Scarce WW I full length gold bullion wire embroidered cap tally, " Royal Naval Division ". Worn in the early part of the war by men of the Royal Naval Division on sailor's caps with khaki uniforms. read more
Royal Navy.
Early rectangular pattern embroidered red on black sleeve trade badge worn by a " Torpedoman ". A torpedo surmounted by a star. read more